Big News!!

... and no the news isn't that I now can grow a pretty sweet mustache. My real news is that I made myself a website via wix yesterday. I would be thrilled if you could check it out and let me know what you think. Any comments and suggestions are very welcome. SaraJean Photography

Secondly, I would like to try an update the written part of my blog a bit more, give some inside information on my otherwise random thought processes. But first I would like to know what you all would like to know. 

I was thinking... 
A once a week favorite photo and why
A once a week featured work by other artists
     {{If you would like your work featured e-mail me at with the subject line "feature please" include a web like, no attachments of the photo and if I like I will post. Please no spamming I will get to it as i get to it. I will also be gathering photos from the vast resources of the internet, liking back to the artist that posted it. }

How does that sound? Please let me know. I will try and start later this week with this new game plan, so until then, 


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