1000 words: Serendipity

Lets face the facts, I am a huge slacker. 

But I do try, and here is my first ever 1000 words post. A post where i show you a photo, that may or may not have made it to the blog, facebook, deviantart and tell you why I love it, and what it means to me. I would love to hear your comments, suggestions, and any feedback at all really. 
Back in 2001, it seems so long ago now, mom and I went to see the movie Serendipity and ever since that day the movie and more importantly the idea of actually visiting the Café Serendipity in New York was a mother daughter dream. We watched the movie countless times, and even discussed visiting New York in the future and saying how a trip to this small café was a must, and a trip to the big apple would not be the same without it. 

But no matter how much we would personally think about it, and how many times we saw the movie, to me it was nothing more then a dream something I never thought we would or could actually do.
Then in May we (the whole family) took a trip to Las Vegas, little did we know that Las Vegas was also home to a Serendipity, not THE ONE but it was defiantly one. With a shock at the news that there was indeed one in Vegas, on the strip mom and I bolted off and hunted it down. Sadly upon finding it, it was still closed from the night before. Being Silly east coasters what we thought was sleeping in and relaxing proved to be early morning on the west. So with the news of it not opening until 10 am we agreed to wonder off some more, but made sure we came back later that day for the famous frozen hot chocolate. Many hours later we finally found our way back, went in got a table, and ordered a Frozen Hot Chocolate for 2. Giddy, like never before we sat and waited in anticipation for this drink of dreams. When if finally arrived it was like our dream had finally come true. There is no amount of words that I can speak or type to express that moment. Finally Mom and I got to share our dream.


June 12, 2010 at 11:51 AM Food-a-holic said...

Very Nice! I can't wait to see your next blog (:

June 17, 2010 at 3:20 PM Sara Jean said...

Thanks ashley, I just looked at your blog, and i must say YUM!

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